Sunday 14th December 2003
Sunday 14th December 2003
Mass [map]
£5 / £4 members / Jedi Ravers
Ticket Info:
07904 032 044 / 07789 230 456
It's Sunday!!! Time to get up, get dressed and get to Afterlife for some more serious stomping and all sorts of mischief your mother wouldn't like, and what a party we've got lined up this week!
First off, HomeGrown competition winner TOM FOY, will be stepping up to the Afterlife decks for the first time, getting things going with a bang!
Then, Prime Time's JAMIE TENNANT will be taking things off on a boucy uplifting vibe!
Next up, resident, SNEAKY PETE. He'll be setting the pace for things to come, hard 'n' dirty!
Followed by one our favourite guests, ED REAL who never fails to get the crowd jumping!
Last but certainly not least PEARSALL will be joined by
E-NRG from Carbon Based & the FINrg collective, for some serious fast paced madness!!
Well if that doesn't get you going, nothing will!
All enjoyed in comfy clean surroundings with massive sound and lights!
With Loads of freebies & toys and games. This promises to be a party you won't forget!
See ya there!
Sunday 14th December 2003 |
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